Monday, August 8, 2011

Spiderman - 1 & 2

Movies: Spiderman 1 & 2

Watched: 8th and 9th of August

Location: In Bed
Review (of sorts):

Ok. The most notable thing here is the cheesey dialogue.  Really?  Really script writers? Can you not do better than this?

"You've spun your last web, Spider-Man."

"[voiceover] Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man."

Two, of Far too many examples to name.

Perhaps it was just the substandard acting.

However.  Spiderman is particularly great. The scenes where he swoops around NYC are stunning - the movement, the leaping - it's particularly well done.  The villains were particularly... how do i say... comic-book like.  They were less scary, and more laughable.  The torment of spiderman moves between pathos and then more towards bathos really damn fast - so much sadness, while Peter Parker sits there with a slightly dumb grin the whole time. 

Genderwise? These two movies were a whole new realm of awful.  Mary-Jane had nothing even vaguely resembling autonomy.  What does she do? Get In Trouble! What does Spiderman do? Save Her.

Not to mention the other main stars: Mary-Jane's Wet-shirted Breasts.

Go Mary-Jane. She's an actress. She's a model.  All she can really do is scream often and get endangered and display nipples through wet thin clothing.  Surely she could have been given a bit of spunk- one circumstance in which she had at least an inch of power?  Surely there was more in her life than staring out, out into the audience waiting for Peter to be In Love With Her and go to her play.  You know what, people? Being in LOVE with someone isn't going to solve all your problems, or that there is only one True Love for you, or that being in Love with someone can excuse them being an arsehat to you.  It's not the ultimate aim of human existence worthy of sacrificing all of your dreams and plans. For example,  Peter's decision to choose using his powers over his BIG LOVE for Mary-Jane.   But Mary-Jane has no real character outside of when she realises she love Peter, and then her halfhearted relationship with a guy who, you know, would Do The Job.

Side Note:  i love it how she's his best friend, apparently, yet in neither of the two films is their friendship highlighted. When do they develop this? it seems that he quietly moped about her in high school, then all of a sudden, she is His Best Friend.   I'm guessing this is explained in the comic, but the film did a really bad job of illustrating this. 

Perhaps i'm just bitter and jaded. 

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