Monday, August 8, 2011

Dragging. Three Movies. several days. all awesome-times.

Movies: X-Men - The Last Stand, The Dark Knight, Iron Man.

All watched in bed.

The third X-Men movie shat me for all the reasons it's shat everyone else.  Poor narrative, stupid characterisations, constant continuity errors with not even a feeble attempt at ret-con, Magneto flipping between Ultimate Evil and Sympathetic Complex Character, Jane Gray being fairly wimpy, which is idiotic given her near unlimited power.  I liked the bits with explosions, but even those bits became irritating due to the inconsistent and irritating narrative.

The Dark Knight is one of the few movies i'd already seen.  Being frail inspired me to watch it again.  It was as rad as it was the first time. Batman.  He's way more cool than me.  The Joker. He's fucking scary. Harvey Dent.  Shit happens, and when it happens, you get a Bit Nasty. Poor Harvey!  Good and evil are complex things, and morality is struggled with, debated, and constructed and deconstructed within the narrative.  The Batmobile turned into a Batmotorcycle!  Exceptional! Gotham is generally rad! &so forth.

Iron Man was brilliant.  It was, like The Dark Knight, an interesting film, rather than just being escapist superhero stupid-movie.  The morality was fairly simple, but the exciting twist of the Surprisingly Evil was great.  Also, exceptional explosions, breaking through multiple levels of cement, smashing of cars, fireballing things.  Fight scene with robots? Don't Fucking Mind If I Do.

Now, I'm going to recede into the Batcave in my heart, and download the Spiderman movies. 

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't recommend the Spiderman movies, Sam Raimi should have stuck to Z grade horror-comedy. Ironman was pretty amazing, ii think because it inserted the man in something similar to the real world for once. We watched Rise of the planet of the Apes (of the) and Captain America - both are worth checking out, the second mainly for the design work and people in 40s clothes. The Captain and his love interest are incredible looking people...
