Monday, August 8, 2011

additional BackDrop material

Sleepless night, dear blog readers.  THIS WILL INSPIRE AN OVERSHARE.

My motivation for doing this, is clear by my typographically-error ridden address for the blog.  Every single male I've dated, or wanted hungrily to (ok, with the exception of Jule, but Jule generally doesn't make any sense, bless him - oh and Alex - but Alex actually wins the 'most disliked' boyfriend award because  no matter what nasty gross madness the rest did post break-up, the mean things he did were before that - i bet this is because HE DID NOT LIKE COMIC BOOKS) has been fixated on comics.   God, my email address came from the title of a zero issue comic which I bought while trying to impress my first boyfriend. This blog title came from reading Strangers In Paradise at the recommendation of another.  I am a firm believer of, no matter what the good or bad of the relationship is, or the person, or what happens between you, Take What You Can that has made your life better from the time together.   No matter how good, or bad, or ugly, any of them have been or are, all of them liked comic books.   And i was, in some ways, a shitty partner who didn't take an active interest in this, to try and work out what about superhero comics is exactly so great.  

In the course of a conversation with Ian, a guy i know in Arizona, who is very rad, and whom i have a blaring crush on, (yes, i realise this is stupid because he lives in Arizona. HOW ASTUTE OF YOU, unspoken readers), he states, 'You really don't know much about comics, do you?'  i was defensive at first, glaring down my line of indie comics about Mice with Swords, and a world with only one known man, and kick arse lesbians, and obligatory numbers like Ghost World.  Then i realised i had no idea of the difference between Marvel and DC. in fact, i didn't even know there were two different superhero worlds.  i referred to it as a Pantheon (thus provoking Ian's understandable reaction).  Ignorant. Yes. I. Am.  I like learning things, and i'm pretty bored right now.
This is probably, honestly, the main reason i am actually doing this.

Further to it,  i've been pondering which comic book series to read, in order to get a more... rounded experience.  i can't go overboard - 1. comics are expensive en-mass and more importantly 2.  there is a lot of stuff i need to read in Life, and i am not sure reading every x-men and batman comic out there is just what i need.  So, i essentially picked the one i was told to read, which was Daredevil.  i don't even know if his name is the exceptionally clever pun i think it is yet, or anything other than the  fact he is the man without fear, and the art for it is particularly stunning. i know where to start to read it, and i know which writers and artists to start with.  and as far as characters go, he's also one that i find really engaging.  I'm realising that the overly dramatic morose part of me that loves the Romantics really, really likes Tragic characters. If there's not conflict, and loss, and sacrifice, i don't really care.  Interesting. i am sure this says something about me. 

1 comment:

  1. Watch Kick-Ass! The boy in it has curly hair and GLASSES. And he wears a tight costume. And because nothing scary-radioactive has affected him, he's still all skinny and pretty, not like Captain America's icky transformation.
    Lusty movie fun for cheering up times!
