Tuesday, August 2, 2011

On The Road

After work, i traversed the wild roads of Canberra to get to the best comic book store I've been to.  Seriously. I've been to the one in Chicago with is apparently the best in the US, and it didn't have half as good a range, let alone such fantastic, clear, open organisation. Yeah, dank dark bookstores and comic book shops can be nice. But there is something to be said for just being able to Find Stuff.  I am, of course, talking about ........ 
 Their website is HERE.  The only sadness is, of course, the inflated Australian cost for books.  

Now, I've been going here for ages - since I first moved to Canberra three and a half years ago.  It's a fantastic, friendly place.  I have a Browsing Schedule - i look at the Dr Who related toys, i look at the boxed sets behind the counter (oh GOD how i want the SiP boxed set...) and then i look at Vertigo comics, then the books, then the locals, then the Indies.  I have never once spent more than a moment or two looking at the Marvel/DC shelves.  

Today, with the help of the amazing, and stunningly helpful comic-book-woman-with-the-strawberry-blonde-hair  (sorry, didn't get her name) I became informed that there were in fact two major separate comic worlds!  DC and Marvel are, in fact, different. Batman is not in the same world as Captain America!  But Captain America is in the same world as the X-Men.  This is progress, people!

I also did my tax return today, like a real adult.  This is less impressive when I admit it covered two years worth, due to being a bit shit at life, and not doing the previous year's tax. BUT the upside is, my return is going to pay for my spectacular new computer - a Macbook Air.  Oh yes. I know, I've been salivating over Airs ever since i first saw their slender, glistening greatness.  I also have my terabit of storage.   

At this stage, I'm going to start with The X-Men movies.  If anyone has any suggestions, please share them.   

I also bought this: 
I am going with 'this is a work related book'.  In a moment of kindness, i thought I'd provide the link to information on it. And then i remembered the wise words that Katchoo has stated in the background.  Look. It. Up.



  1. ah, impact comics is what's left of the best record store canberra has ever known... impact records. it was the place everyone wanted to work at, but you could only get invited - they never advertised. *sniff*

  2. the comic book store is still more than enough for me. though, years ago, in brisbane there were four or five amazing ones.

    and record stores? oh god, don't get me started on the loss of beautiful indie records stores in brisbane.
